About our JK Program
Our JK program is designed to thoughtfully prepare our young students for Kindergarten in a loving, Christian classroom environment. Our teachers enhance learning through both large and small group instruction. Small group activities give teachers an opportunity to provide one-on-one instruction, and to carefully assess student progress. Teachers reinforce age-appropriate social and behavioral expectations. Our students are taught to pray thoughtfully, follow Christ’s example, and to think of others.
Children in our JK classes participate in structured activities in the areas of pre-reading, speaking and writing instruction, small and gross motor development, mathematics, science, faith and music. Circle time may often include a more in-depth discussion about the week’s theme, the Bible lesson presented, alphabet letters or mathematics. Children are taught to work cooperatively and independently, follow directions, listen attentively and to interact constructively with peers and adults.
Our goal is to prepare our students as much as possible for the transition into Kindergarten.